April 27, 2017

About Us

Our Approach

About Us:

The Unplug Revolution wants to make a difference in life. Not just to exist.. Cell phones have changed how our world is currently wired in so many positive ways, but examples like, texting while driving, over usage and addiction cannot be ignored. We all in some measure have been affected by this technology and some to the point of death.

Nine people die every day from distracted driving and that is not an exact number, it would be more like 12-15 “evert day”. Statistics show 75% of this is cell phone use. That is unbelievable and must stop.

Also, in 2017 there were 1.6 million accidents by distracted drivers and 330,000 injuries and again 75% by cell phone usage. Out of all of that my of those were people online, texting and looking at photos.

I am trying to bring awareness and figure how to make these numbers go down and hopefully go away. The main goal is to figure how to actually help people in real terms. I see plenty of information on the web on the problem, but nothing on the solution. Please contact us, review our blog or sign up for our newsletter. We look forward to your input.

Our Story

Next Steps...

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