texting and driving

Texting While Driving

We want your thoughts on texting while driving! Is it the norm that we have to “get used to”. Does it drive you crazy and you consider distracted driving a major hazard? Are you a frequent driving “multi-tasker”? Were you involved in a life changing event?

Phone Depedency

Phone at Family Dinner

Phone at Family Dinner What are your thoughts on having phones at the table during dinner? Should different rules apply depending upon the situation? What about phone usage when eating out? Is it different for family, friends, and work outings?

Phones at the Movies

Phones at the Movies

Phones at the Movies   What about that person who is on the phone at the movies (or are you that person)? Is parents communicating with baby sitters ok? Is it the talking on the phone, is it the light coming from the phone or does it really not bother you?