April 27, 2017

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below is information gathered from our research based upon the questions most frequently asked to us. It is hard to believe at first but let it sink in and hopefully you'll agree we should do something, I believe we all can fix this! Join the Revolution.

Social and Dependency Issues:

- 50% of teens feel they are addicted to their mobile device.
- 69% of parents and 78% of teens check their devices at least every hour.
- 72% of teens feel and 57% of adults feel the need to imminently respond to texts, social networking messaging and other notifications.
- 66% of parents feel their children are on their mobile devices to often.
- 36% of parents felt they argue with their children daily about their mobile device use.
- 54% of children felt their parents check their device too often.
- The majority of parents 53% vary often or occasionally try to cut down the amount of time they spend on devices.

Reckless and Distracted Driving:

- Cell phone use causes 1.6 million crashes each year.
- Almost 330,000 injuries each year.
- 1 out 4 car accidents in the US is caused by texting and driving.
- You are 6 times more likely to have an accident while texting than drunk driving.
- 94% of drivers support a ban on texting while driving.
- 74% of drivers support a ban on hand-held cell phone use.

What is the Solution?

We start with education and getting people to talk, to understand that this is a big problem.
It is almost like a drug so we need to treat it as such. Education, meetings, interventions, support groups and public sponsors. It needs to come from all angles. Maybe its just getting people talking, just a need to understand and take a small step back. What if we had people all over the country start up meetings at the ground level, calling it “unplug” or call it mobile phone anonymous? “My name is Garry and I am on my phone way too much. I text while driving.” The only way to help someone is admission of the problem and talking to people, communication is the key. And human communication is needed, not over electronic devices. With all that said we need to use tech to help and communicate. We just need to understand “time and place”. Moving forward with technology is not something we need to stop, We just need to understand that we are all human and not machines and to not lose the human connection.

How can I get involved?

Reach out to us to share some of your ideas by contacting us here:  and join our Facebook group to engage in a dialog in addition to learning of new events that are close to you.