Unplug for 7 minutes

We are all reliant on technology in some form or another. But it has become more than that, it has become a need and an addiction. Do we need technology, I think yes? It has become embedded in our daily lives as I drive to work in my car I listen to the radio and when I get to work I get on the phone and computer. Our lives depend and rely on it. Every day we become more dependent on it and more addicted to it. Now instead of going to a rock concert and singing and dancing we record it on our phone? To watch later? To show all our friends? We don’t need our brain for memories anymore I guess. As good as it is and how much we need it we can never forget who we are. We are human. If you poke me I will bleed. If you are mean to me I will be sad. I have emotions and feelings good and bad. Try and step back from technology for 7 minutes a day to start. Make a deliberate effort to put down the phone when you are driving or in a movie theater. Remember you are human and while at that concert sing dance maybe talk to a few new people or when at dinner with your kids and family or friends don’t bring your phone maybe ask how their day was or something crazy like that. As much as I love you I don’t need to know what you do every single day and minute of your life oh I know I am not alone and as they say, “Rome was not built in a day” We need people to join the revolution the most peaceful one ever. Filled with love and caring. Can one man or woman make a difference I believe yes, because that is where it starts. So, I am starting it who will join the fight maybe save a life or two.

1 thought on “Unplug for 7 minutes

  • I agree and if we’re not careful it will put us all out of the jobs we all desperately need to live. What’s the point of dealing with illegal immigrants if we’re just going to replace people with AI? I don’t understand how we can be so negligent to the fact that too much technology is not improving the quality of life, it’s actually destroying us. We the people need to stand up against the corporate world and make sure we do not allow them to replace people’s jobs with AI. If we feed in to their selfishness and their greed, we are definitely doomed.

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